- Olta Manjani, Deputy Minister, Albanian Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation
- Andrea Ferrero, Head of the Sustainable Economic and Social Development Section, Delegation of the European Union to Albania
- Manuela Prina, Head of Knowledge Hub for Skills and Jobs Unit, ETF
- Ana Carrero, Deputy Head of Unit, DG EMPL, European Commission
- Floriana Folisi, Human Capital Development Expert, Country Liaison for Algeria, ETF
- Robert Plummer, Senior Adviser, BusinessEurope
- Guillaume Afellat, Senior Policy Adviser, SGI Europe
- Valentina Guerra, Social Affairs and Training Policy Director, SMEunited
- Agnes Roman, Senior Policy Coordinator on Education policy, ETUC
- Beatrice Biolcati Rinaldi, DG EMPL B.3, European Commission
Welcoming Bosnia and Herzegovina & new EAfA members
Speakers from Partner Countries and Member States will present the latest developments in their countries and have a discussion with participants.
Parallel Group 1: Facilitated by Lisa Rustico, Human Capital Development Expert – Work-based learning – Country Liaison for North Macedonia, ETF
- Guillem Salvans, Senior Project Manager, Fundación Bertelsmann, Spain
- Silviu Gîncu, Head of Technical Professional Department, Ministry of Education and Research, Moldova
Parallel Group 2: Facilitated by Floriana Folisi, Human Capital Development Expert, Country Liaison for Algeria, ETF
- Ilze Buligina, Senior Expert, Department of VET and Adult Education, Ministry of Education and Science, Latvia & Sigita Alksne, Executive Director, Latvian Forest Industry Federation, Latvia
- Lusine Kyrakosyan, Leading Specialist of VET Department, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Armenia
Facilitation: Iulita Osichenko, Desk officer for Albania, DG EMPL E.3, European Commission
- Ejvis Gishti, Director General Akafp, National Agency of Vocational Education Training and Qualifications (NAVETQ), Albania
- Klevis Hysa, Director General AKPA, National Agency of Employment and Skills (NAES), Albania
Floriana Folisi, Human Capital Development Expert, Country Liaison for Algeria, ETF
- Technical Economic School of Tirana
- Gjergj Canco School
- The Hospitality and Tourism School of Tirana
Moderated by Christian Wagner, Team leader, EU4Youth
This session discusses different approaches to how assessments can be structured in terms of modalities, content and tools. The session will also look at the roles and responsibilities of those involved in learners’ assessments. Based on available evidence/existing practices, speakers will also discuss challenges and opportunities linked to practices.
Facilitation: Floriana Folisi, Human Capital Development Expert, Country Liaison for Algeria, ETF
- Gonnie van der Eerden, Policy Advisor VET, MBO Raad, Netherlands
- Karin Geurts, Policy Advisor VET, MBO Raad, Netherlands
- Horacy Debowski, Director, Central Examination Board, Poland
- Paula Kilpeläinen, Counsellor of Evaluation, Finnish Education Evaluation Center FINEEC, Finland
The panel discussion will focus on the potential use of apprenticeship for adults and on the pre-conditions – at different levels (institutional, programme design and delivery) – that could make apprenticeship schemes suitable for adult population target groups. Based on available evidence/existing practices, speakers will also discuss challenges and opportunities to promote apprenticeships in the context of lifelong learning.
Facilitation: Lisa Rustico, Human Capital Development Expert – Work-based learning – Country Liaison for North Macedonia, ETF
- Josef Hochwald, Deputy Head of Unit, Vocational Training and Professional Skills, Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy, Austria
- Rita Kask, Advisor, Ministry of Education and Research, Estonia
- Andrea Laczick, Head of Research, Edge, Hungary
- Manuela Prina, Head of Knowledge Hub for Skills and Jobs Unit, ETF
- Beatrice Biolcati Rinaldi, DG EMPL B.3, European Commission