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The use of validation of non-formal and informal learning for up-skilling and reskilling

19 September 2023

14:00 - 15:30 (UTC/GMT +01:00 - Europe / Brussels)

Registrations are closed

Introduction and objectives

Stakeholders working together under the Pact for Skills can greatly contribute to ensure that lifelong learning opportunities are accessible to all. Strong cooperation and partnerships between sectoral organisations, social partners, Public Employment Services, and businesses, for example, should support the validation of non-formal and informal learning as a practical tool for increasing participation in training and easing access to the labour market. Validation can benefit employers by identifying competences, knowledge and skills levels of their staff. Validated competences, knowledge and skills increase individual self-esteem and motivate staff for further training. Thus, validation paves the way for increased uptake of upskilling and reskilling opportunities, which in turn can make it easier to meet labour market demands while retaining existing staff or to hire newly qualified staff in times of staff shortages. This is vital to support economic growth and social cohesion, as well as to ensure that everyone can successfully navigate the digital and green transitions and benefit from new employment opportunities.

In this webinar, participants will have the chance to hear about how validation supports upskilling and reskilling, to find out about validation projects and practices, and to share their own experiences with regards to challenges and success factors of validation practices, as well as ideas on how to work together to ensure that lifelong learning is accessible to all.

Background information

Validation describes a process of confirmation (by an authorised body) that an individual has acquired learning outcomes through non-formal and informal learning (e.g. through work experience), which are measured against a relevant standard. It consists of the four stages identification, documentation, assessment and certification.

The EU has a long history of promoting validation of non-formal and informal learning, also for upskilling and reskilling. Key initiatives include the Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning, the European Skills Agenda, the 2016 Council Recommendation on Upskilling Pathways, as well as the Osnabrueck Declaration and the recent Council Recommendation on Individual Learning Accounts.  These instruments all highlight the importance of validation of non-formal and informal learning as essential elements of quality and effective education and training systems. The current European Year of Skills , moreover, represents an opportunity to further highlight the importance of strengthening validation services provided to potential learners, including through better cooperation among key stakeholders.

Lastly, the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan sets two goals to boost participation in adult learning in the EU: increasing adult participation in training to at least 60% per year by 2030 and ensuring at least 80% of those aged 16-74 have basic digital skills. To achieve these goals, greater efforts are needed to engage new learners, including through validation of non-formal and informal learning.

We invite all Pact members to join this webinar to learn from other organisations and discuss joint solutions to improve the attractiveness and reach of validation initiatives for upskilling and reskilling across the EU.

This event will be recorded for publication on the DG EMPL's Youtube channel. Please click here for our privacy policy.


Start: 19 September 2023
14:00 (UTC/GMT +01:00 - Europe / Brussels)
End: 19 September 2023
15:30 (UTC/GMT +01:00 - Europe / Brussels)
The Pact for Skills

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