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Introduction and objectives

The Pact for Skills and the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) represent flagship EU initiatives to boost investment in upskilling and reskilling and encourage stakeholder cooperation across ecosystems and regions in Europe. The EU has been taking action to promote skills investment and maximise impact on the ground, platforms like the Pact for Skills and EAfA provide regular opportunities for stakeholders to share ideas and experiences, ultimately influencing policy change as well as practices on the ground. 

The Pact for Skills and the EAfA have potential synergies in several areas of work, including: stakeholder engagement, promoting collaboration across sectors and regions, knowledge sharing and commitment to broader EU priorities.

Through this webinar, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the work of the EAfA and discuss about the opportunities to build on these areas of convergence in order to maximise synergies between the two initiatives.

Please, note that this webinar is open to both Pact for Skills and EAfA member organisations.

This event will be recorded for publication on the DG EMPL's Youtube channel. Please click here to read our privacy policy.


Start: 25 June 2024
14:30 (UTC/GMT +02:00 - Europe / Brussels)
End: 25 June 2024
15:45 (UTC/GMT +02:00 - Europe / Brussels)
The Pact for Skills

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