Introduction and objectives
EU funding can play an essential role in supporting Pact for Skills members to implement initiatives fostering skills development, resilience, cooperation, and innovative approaches to upskilling and reskilling.
Within the broader EU funding landscape, Erasmus+ stands out as the key programme in the areas of education, training, youth and sport. Under the current funding period 2021-2027, the Erasmus+ budget amounts to €26.2 billion, of which nearly 83% are dedicated to education and training initiatives, including upskilling and reskilling.
In 2025, several funding opportunities under the Erasmus+ programme have been made avilable, some of which target registered Pact for Skills members. This webinar will be an opportunity for Pact for Skills members to hear directly from the European Commission, and access more detailed information on these new funding opportunities under Erasmus+, with a focus on those that are most relevant to support Pact members’ work to upskill and reskill the European workforce and to strengthen cooperation at sectoral and regional level.
Background information
For more information on past events on the topic of funding for upskilling and reskilling, you can consult the documents below:
- Report from the Pact for Skills Knowledge Webinar on ''Key funding opportunities for upskilling and reskilling at EU level'', held on 5 July 2022
- Report from the Pact for Skills Thematic Seminar on ‘’Investing in upskilling and reskilling’’ held on 20 April 2023
Further information on relevant opportunities can be found on the Pact for Skills online database and search tool for funding opportunities.
The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is a crucial resource to gain understanding of the many opportunities under Erasmus+, while the text of the calls for proposals can be found on the European Commission's EU Funding & Tenders portal.
This event will be recorded for publication on the DG EMPL's Youtube channel. Please click here to read our privacy policy.